www.gethuman.com support
Sometimes it can be a pain to get contact help from a company that you are dealing with. There are a lot of reasons why you won’t be able to solve your customer issue, ranging from unreachable lines to being unable to find the right person to talk to. Most of the times, after you have bought a product or service from a business, you are simply too excited to think about after-sale support. All you want is to unpack the item and enjoy it in the comfort of your home. Of course, most of us assume that any product from a brand name should be ‘perfect’ because we trust that brand. So we are not really expecting any issues when we start using the product.
Besides, many a product comes with a warranty and refund policy so this should give you some comfort and peace of mind if you buy from a reputable product manufacturer. However, even though you have these guarantees, it is quite common for many people to start using the product after the warranty has expired, and that’s the time when issues arise. In this case, the first thought for many people is to find the manufacturer’s phone number so that they call customer support. That’s when more problems and frustrations begin. You have no idea where to find the number so you look at the product label and search on the internet to no avail.
Before you give up and sale off your defective product, you must try one last time to find contact help. Fortunately, there are dedicated agents out there that can help solve your customer issue. These agents can help you find the right number to talk to the right person or if your problem is complicated they can locate and speak to the company on your behalf. In order to solve your issue quickly and effectively, you have to explain why you want to call the company. They will take care of the rest, sometimes at a price to buy a lunch pack or cup of coffee.
GetHuman is a website that claims to solve customer service issues. They don’t only provide resources to find contact details for a variety of companies and businesses, but they also offer to call the companies on your behalf. You can hire them to solve any problems that you have with a service provider, manufacturer or product retailer. However, their customer agent-for-hire service is not free; they will ask you to pay a free, about $20 to solve your issues. What this means is that if you have an issue with a service or product, you can save time and leave it to the experts to do it for you. Customer issues can be frustrating and you will find that the money you spend to call a company for days can quickly add up and at the end of the day your issue might not be solved at all.
Sometimes if you are too busy to call a company, then that is the occasion to hire a third party to do it for you. In other instances, you want to solve an issue as quickly as possible. In such urgent situations, it is smart to hire an agent who knows the right numbers and the right people to talk to.
Alexa Ranking – 15,172

800-Numbers is an online directory that offers assistance to people who want to use a toll-free number to call a company. If you are a customer, then it makes sense that the support you get from a service / product provider is free of charge, otherwise that company is not going to retain its clients. If you have the privilege of staying in the USA or Canada, then you will have access to a toll-free number for a wide range of companies that you are dealing with. A toll-free number is also known as a 1-800 number for those who are familiar with the service. The website does not charge a fee for giving you access to its database of companies. If you are unable to find a customer support line for a specific business, then you should simply search the name of the company in the database, and hopefully you will get a functional phone number that allows you to make calls without getting charged.
Alexa Ranking – 150,700

ConsumerAffairs is an online consumer support site that provides reviews and a lot of useful details about businesses in the United States. The reviews are user-generated meaning that consumers with issues can leave feedback on the site for other users to see. Just like any consumer platform, people can file complaints or positive reviews about a company they dealt with. Public feedback helps to protect customers from being unfairly dealt with by companies, and it is a measure of the brand attractiveness. Even Facebook Pages for businesses have a feedback system that allows fans to rate the service received from the company.
ConsumerAffairs does not only relies on public feedback` to produce useful reviews but they also have experts who carry out research on businesses and their services. The platform is not a one-sided affair where only customers leave feedback, but companies are allowed to respond to customer complaints. A lot of companies ranging from Alarm Systems to Walk-in Bathtubs providers are registered with ConsumerAffairs and they have a chance to build up their brand on their site. Customer issues can be solved privately or directly on the site. It’s a useful platform to get customer support. Just search a company and you will get their listing.
Alexa Ranking – 6,567

ContactHelp.com is a customer support crowdsourcing website. If you have ever used a community site like Groupon or RetailMeNot where consumers post coupons to help other like-minded moms who are looking for a bargain, then ContactHelp is based on a similar model, but instead of offering coupons, people on the site post updated contact details for particular companies that they dealt with. This helps a lot because the task of updating information is left to consumers who actually had experience in contacting a service provider, so the contact info that is posted on the site is accurate at the time.
Platforms which are updated by site admin take a long time to update information because there are a lot of companies to go through, but Contact Help is not one of them. If you are looking for fresh information, then this is the site to go to.
Alexa Ranking – 157,899
I am very frustrated with one teller at Standard Bank who obviously shouldnt be working there. She tried to cheat me while counting the money on the front desk. Apparently, she was trying to take advantage of my age.I didnt get her name but I know her face.
Here is my story,I bought a software program from HIFI in Windhoek, I went with the CD-ROM and installed it at home on my computer. My computer runs Windows 7, but on checking the program details, I found out that the CD is not compatible with CD, it only works on Windows VISTA. My question is why didn’t the salesman tell me about this. Apparently, the receipt says software programs cannot be returned once installed.I tried to get help from the assistants but they keep referring me to one person after the other.I have given up. I tried to call the manager but he is always out, it seems people are allowed do whatever they want. Can you please give me HIFI’s support number and the headquarters if possible.