Buy from US Shops Via the Internet
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If you are looking for deals and offers from brands and factory shops, we are here at your service. If you want to shop overseas in a US shop, maybe you want to buy shoes from PUMA or NIKE stores or AMAZON, we can assist you.
It doesn’t matter where you live, we can help you buy the items you need from any shop in the USA. To get started, you have to sign up for an online account:
Step 1
Sign up and log into your account.
Go to BuyForMe > Add New Items on the navigation menu and enter the details of the product that you would like to buy – The Name, Picture, Store Link, Price and Quantity etc.Click Add to Cart or Buy Now
Step 2
Deposit money into your account. Click Deposit Money under My E-wallet on the left sidebar. Choose your payment method. You can pay through PayPal, Western Union, Wire Transfer or Alipay. If you are paying with Wire Transfer, submit your bank details and click Submit as shown below.
Step 3
Choose your preferred shipping method (FEDEX, DHL or USPS). FEDEX and DHL offer the highest shipping discount, so you will pay less for shipping and save money in the process.
Shipping by FEDEX – 66% discount
Shipping by DHL – 58% discount
That’s all, the package forwarder will then buy the items for you from your selected stores.
Your items are shipped to the Package Forwarder’s warehouse in the USA.After that your items will be shipped to your home country e.g. South Africa, Namibia, Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia. You can track the progress of the shipment inside your account, and you will be notified every step of the way. Register now!